现在单击 Align / Assemble 并选择De Novo Assemble ,然后在窗口左下角的Settings cog下单击Reset to defaults 。在结果部分下,选择保存程序集报告并保存到子文件夹中。保留共有序列已开启,因为我们要将它们映射回原始参考序列以查看它们匹配的程度。
Click OK. This should produce an assembly with 4 contigs which will be placed in the Assembly subfolder.
Two of these are very short, the others much longer as you can see from the Assembly Report. When there are multiple contigs produced, this document will also give you the N50 statistic which is a commonly used measure of the quality of an assembly.
要查看这些重叠群如何与原始序列对齐,请选择De Novo Assembly Tutorial 父文件夹,然后单击新的Assembly 文件夹,以查看两者的内容。按住cntrl /命令,选择Consensus Sequences 和NC_009487提取文档。现在选择对齐/组装→映射到参考。检查NC_009487是否设置为参考序列,然后单击确定。